How to delete a Tab?

On desktop computer
  1. Make sure your are on the Dashboard page (select the Dashboard menu).
  2. Select the Tab you want to delete.
  3. Click on "Tabs" under the tab titles then select "Delete Tab".
  4. Click Yes on the Delete Confirmation dialogs.
  5. All the bookmarks on the active Tab will be permanently deleted.

On mobile device
  1. Make sure your are on the Dashboard page (select the Dashboard menu).
  2. Select the Tab you want to delete.
  3. Tap on "Turn ON Tab and Category Editor" at the bottom of the page.
  4. Tap on "Delete Tab".
  5. Tap on Yes on the Delete Confirmation dialogs.
  6. All the bookmarks on the active Tab will be permanently deleted.
  7. Tap on "Turn OFF Tab and Category Editor" to return to the Dashboard page.

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