Tuesday, April 18, 2017

New Feature: Coloring

This has been requested by many users and customers. Actually coloring means 3 new features in Ninja:
  • You can highlight a bookmark by changing its background color
  • You can change the background color of the Category titles
  • Yo can change the background color of the Tab titles

To change the background color of a bookmark, right mouse click on the bookmark and select "Edit".
A color palette has been added to the Edit Bookmark dialog, select a color then click on Save:

To change the background color of a Category title, click on the gear icon next to the Category name and select "Edit Category Name". Then select a color and click on OK:

To change the background color of a Tab title, click on "Edit Tab Name", then select a color and click on OK:

The bookmarks will be displayed with the highlighted colors on the My Bookmarks page, too (and you can change the color here, too, by editing the bookmarks):

All the coloring options are available on mobile, too, both on the Dashboard and on the My Bookmarks page:

To highlight a bookmark on mobile, tap and hold on the bookmark on the Dashboard, then tap on "Edit".
Select a color and tap on Save Bookmark:

To change the background color of a Category title on mobile, tap on "Turn ON Tab and Category Editor" on the Dashboard, tap on a Category, then tap on "Rename". Select the color and tap on Save:

To change the background color of a Tab title on mobile, tap on "Turn ON Tab and Category Editor" on the Dashboard, then tap on "Rename Tab". Select the color and tap on Save: