Sunday, March 27, 2016

Friday, March 25, 2016

Initial feedbacks

Thank you for all the feedbacks, comments I received in the last 3 days, they were really very useful!

Based on your feedbacks 2 serious bugs have been already fixed, both related to importing bookmarks.

Many of you didn't like the popup message after saving the settings on the Settings page. I can totally agree, that message dialog was really irritating, I didn't like it either. The popup dialog has been removed, now a "Settings saved" message appears on the page for one second.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Bookmark Ninja Beta is live

The big day has come... Bookmark Ninja Beta is live and available for the public:

Please make sure to read the Beta notes before you start using and testing Ninja.
Looking forward to any feedback, comments, bug reports, suggestions.
Thank you in advance!

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Another milestone: we have a logo

Finally Bookmark Ninja got a logo. The credit goes to my wife, Lilla, who designed this little fighter:

Other than the logo, a lot of progress happened. The server was migrated to a bigger volume, setup and configured the daily backups an also installed different memory, cpu, and disk monitoring tools.

The Beta site will go live in a few days...

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

An important milestone reached: installed the SSL certificate

Today Bookmark Ninja reached a significant milestone. I have installed the SSL certificate on the server, so from now the site can be accessed through a secure connection (https).

Many of my friends keep asking me when "ninja" will be available for the public. The truth is I'm more excited than anyone else, my guess is that it can go live and the beta testing can start in about a week... Mainly some marketing and beta related documentation stuffs left to complete. Stay tuned, I will post the progress till then.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

The first post

Hi Everyone,

This blog will be the main communication tool where announcements, information will be posted about Bookmark Ninja. Of course I also plan to setup other social network sites like Facebook or Twitter, since others may prefer those ones.

Bookmark Ninja is currently in the final development and testing phase. In roughly 1 or 2 weeks the site will go live and the beta testing will start.