How to move a bookmark to another Category group?

On desktop computer
  1. Make sure your are on the Dashboard page (click on the Dashboard menu).
  2. If the destination Category is on the active Tab then simply drag and drop the bookmark to the other Category.
  3. If you want to move a bookmark to a Category which is on another Tab, then right mouse click on the Bookmark and select the "Move to another Category" menu.
  4. A dialog will come up, select the destination Tab and Category.
  5. Click on "Move".

On mobile device
  1. Make sure you are on the Dashboard page (tap on the Dashboard menu).
  2. Tap and hold on the bookmark that you want to move.
  3. A context menu will pop up.
  4. Select the "Move to another Category" menu.
  5. A new page will come up, select the destination Tab and Category.
  6. Tap on "Move Bookmark".

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