If you have many Categories it can be difficult to find the one you are looking for. The "Find Category" new feature helps you to quickly find the categories:
- Start typing the name of the Category in the "Find Category" text field.
- As you are typing (after 2 characters) a suggestion list will show up with the Categories whose names start with the characters you typed.
- Select the Category you are searching for (either with a mouse click or with pressing Enter).
- The Category's Tab will be loaded, the browser window will be scrolled to the Category, and the Category will be marked with a thin red border.
The other feature is rather an improvement. From now you can also start a bookmark search from the Dashboard not just from the My Bookmarks page. Enter any text in the "Search Bookmarks" field then press Enter. The My Bookmarks page will be loaded with the search results. It works the same when you start a search from the My Bookmarks page. It searches in the title, URL, tags and notes of the bookmarks.
The features are available on mobile, too: