To change the number of columns:
- Select “Settings” in the main menu.
- Under the “Dashboard settings” section change the “Layout - number of columns” by clicking on one of the radio buttons.
If you increase the number of columns a dialog box will come up where you have to choose one of the following options:
“I will move the categories manually to the new columns”
The arrangements of the categories in the current columns will be unchanged. The extra column(s) will be added on each tab and will be empty. You have to move the categories manually to the new column(s). Rearranging the categories manually is easier if you collapse all the categories first.
“Let Bookmark Ninja move and arrange categories (in alphabetical order) across all the columns on all tabs”
The new column(s) will be added to each tab and all the categories will be automatically arranged (in alphabetical order) across all the columns on all tabs.
If you decrease the number of columns and you don’t have any category in the columns that will be removed then the number of columns will be simply changed. If there is any category in any of the column(s) that will be removed then the below dialog box will come and you will have 2 options:
Option 1: Click on Cancel then rearrange the categories on the Dashboard by moving them manually from the columns to be deleted to the remaining columns. Make sure that all the column(s) that will be deleted will be empty. Rearranging the categories manually is easier if you collapse all the categories first.
Option 2: Check the “Let Bookmark Ninja move and arrange categories (in alphabetical order) across all the columns on all tabs” checkbox then click on the “Apply” button.
Please note that when you change the number of columns, the new layout will be applied on the shared tabs, too.